MTG Kaladesh Planeswalker Deck Display (6) English

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Key features
SKU WOCB67810001
Packaging BOX
Packages in one carton 1
Theme Magic The Gathering
Publication date 30-09-2016
Arrival date


Each preconstructed 60-card deck will include: 1 copy of a mythic rare Planeswalker 2 copies of a rare spell that can help find and play the Planeswalker card And many more cards that benefit from—and synergize with—the Planeswalker card These decks will generally be two colors, will play into the mechanical themes of the block, often making use of new keyword mechanics, and will be Standard legal. Two booster packs from the associated block will also be packaged with each deck. Planeswalker Decks will be available for Open Dueling, beginning with Kaladesh Prerelease, and will provide a similar experience as Intro Pack Wars for new player events.


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