Letters from Whitechapel: Dear Boss Expansion

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Publication date 30-03-2017
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The letter that begins with the famous expression "Dear Boss" was received on September 1888, Thursday the 27th, by the press agency Central News Agency of London, which delivered it to Scotland Yard two days later. It was written in red and contained many macabre details that they could not be ignored. It was signed: Jack The Ripper. The horror of Whitechapel had finally a name...a name that would have badgered the district forever. Letters from Whitechapel: Dear Boss, the first expansion forLetters from Whitechapel, will help you to enter the sordid depths atmosphere of Whitechapel: You will better know the main characters of the events of that fall and face, both with Jack and policemen, new and intriguing challenges.


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