Here I Stand 500th Ann ed 2nd printing- wargame

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Key features
SKU GMT0512-17
Packaging BOX
Packages in one carton 1
Publication date 21-04-2024
Arrival date


Here I Stand covers the political and religious conflicts of early 16th Century Europe. Few realize that the greatest feats of Martin Luther, Jean Calvin, Ignatius Loyola, Henry VIII, Charles V, Francis I, Suleiman the Magnificent, Ferdinand Magellan, Hernando Cortes, and Nicolaus Copernicus all fall within this narrow 40-year period of history. This deluxe 500th Anniversary treatment of Here I Stand features six brand-new cards added to the deck, including Thomas More, Thomas Cromwell, Rough Wooing, and Imperial Coronation, plus revisions to over 15 existing cards including Copernicus, Master of Italy, and Machiavelli to allow for more exciting in-game play and additional possibilities for diplomatic deals. Also included is a new Chateau construction table and several Virgin Queen rule updates affecting minor power activation, piracy, space trading, and foreign wars. This 2nd Printing of the 500th Anniversary Edition is identical to the first printing, except that any known errata are corrected. Contents: 5 Full-color Counter Sheets 1 Mounted Map (22" x 34") 116 Strategy Cards Rules Booklet Scenario Booklet 1 Ten-Sided Die Reference Cards Ages: 14+ Players: 2-6 Game Length: 180-360 minutes


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